7 Daily Foods High in Quercetin

These days, people want to eat healthily and feel their best. They are also highly health conscious. Eating a balanced diet and obtaining all the vitamins and minerals you require are part of that. Is that sufficient, though?

In an effort to strengthen their defenses against the pandemic, people started taking more zinc, vitamin C, and D. All of them are beneficial, but quercetin is an additional healthful substance that may strengthen your immune system.

Quercetin belongs to a class of plant-based substances known as flavonoids, which are potent antioxidants that combat free radicals, which harm cells and raise your chance of developing chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and some types of cancer. However, quercetin has even more health benefits; it may lower your risk of allergies and aid in the battle against inflammation.

Like vitamins and minerals, antioxidants like quercetin are present in diet. If you eat a lot of foods high in it, there’s no need to take a supplement. These are seven foods high in quercetin that you can eat on a daily basis to feel your best.

Red Onion

All onions have some quercetin, but because of their vibrant color, red onions have the highest concentration—45 mg—of the compound. Because onions are extremely nutrient-rich and bursting with vitamins and minerals, they are truly a superfood. To get the most out of onions, you can consume them daily.

Green Tea

Green tea has been used medicinally for ages and is beneficial to heart health since it can reduce blood sugar and cholesterol. Sip on a cup of green tea for a health boost in the afternoon.


With 23 mg of quercetin, kale is one of the healthiest superfoods available. This cruciferous vegetable is also a great source of vitamin K, vitamin A, and vitamin C, which can strengthen your immunity. Kale can be added to soups, stir fries, and salads either raw or cooked.


Quercetin and anthocyanins, two plant components with anti-inflammatory properties, are abundant in these vivid blue berries. There are 14 mg of quercetin in only one cup. However, blueberries also include fiber, potassium, and manganese, which may lower blood pressure and support healthy bones. Add some blueberries to your yogurt, oatmeal, or smoothie recipes. You can have blueberries on a daily basis.


This delicious grain is high in nutrients and free of gluten. You can get 36 mg of quercetin in one cup, along with magnesium, riboflavin, folate, B vitamins, and thiamine. A tasty and incredibly nutritious side dish is made with buckwheat.


Broccoli belongs to the cruciferous vegetable family and is a superfood that also includes the flavonoid kaempferol in addition to quercetin. In addition to being high in fiber, the vegetable is also a strong source of vitamins K and C. Eating broccoli every day will improve your gut health and immunity.


Along with being a rich source of fiber and vitamin C, apples are also a great source of quercetin. To maximize the health advantages of apples, leave the peels on as they contain the majority of the nutrients. You could truly keep the doctor away by eating an apple a day.

Categories: Health
Komal Patil:


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