Alessia Vernazza spoke about what motivated her in pursuing her dream job

Alessia has the job that most girls dream of and that is getting paid to post Fashion Travel and Lifestyle Content all over Social Media. So we sat down with her to see where it all started.

I always had a passion for Fashion. I think growing up between the UK and Italy I was very fortunate as their was so much Fashion that I was exposed too. They say Europe is the home for Fashion and so I grew up surrounded by so many different designers and different styles.

Everyone asks me the question of when and how did I start Influencing but I don’t really remember much, I just started posting content of me in different Fashion Looks and then started getting noticed by brands and then that’s how I started to grow my collaborations with brands and my following.

My first collaboration was with Femme Luxe Finery the British Fashion Brand and then shortly after that I had collabs with Rebellious Fashion and I Saw It First and that’s when I started to realize that maybe I could go further with it. I remember ending up knowing the whole life stories of all the local Postmen that were delivering my Pr Packages as I was getting around 8 deliveries daily and my mother was like Alessia where are you getting all this stuff from, it was super funny.

Now looking back 6 years later at when I first started the whole social media career path I definitely would tell future Influencers to always make sure you create the best possible content for Brands as you want to show a good impression and post within the timeline, and enjoy it be creative with it and bend the barriers with your content.

I think Influencers always find it hard to transition from Gifted Collaborations with brands to Paid. For me personally I have worked with the same Brands over 5 times at least and so you definitely build a repertoire with them, so just speak to them about switching over to Paid. It helped that my page was constantly growing and I was in high demand for Brands so it was easier to get Paid Collaborations.

Yes social media has changed over the years but I think that Influencers starting off now will enjoy the freedom of the creativity that they have. Post what makes you happy and make a difference.

Categories: Entertainment
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