A number of new and upgraded features have been added to Telegram’s iOS and Android apps in a recent significant update. Voice and video message transcriptions have been available to Telegram Premium members since last year. Now, the platform is making this feature available to all users, albeit with stronger limitations. Two text messages can be converted into messages each week for free users. To access the text version of an audio message, simply press the →A symbol. Telegram says that this feature might not be available to you immediately because it’s being rolled out gradually.
Telegram is working on ways to make channel discovery easier. You’ll get a list of related public channels once you join a channel. The recommendations are based on subscriber base similarities according to Telegram. You may visit a channel’s profile at any moment to see these recommendations.
A video response or comment can now be added to a story. This video message can be resized and moved around the screen by you. Taking a cue from TikTok, you can record a selfie video in the story editor by holding down the camera icon. This allows you to add a video message. By placing your finger on the video track at the bottom of the screen, you may adjust the volume.
It’s now fairly simple to repost someone else’s narrative as well. You can choose to repost a story by simply tapping the share button on it. Reposting is limited to stories with a public exposure setting. Reposted stories also allow you to leave a video comment.
Additionally, everyone may apply custom wallpapers to each individual conversation (Premium users can select the same wallpaper for both participants), channel admins can customise the emoji that display as reactions, and Premium users can build up their profiles with unique colour combinations. Additionally, any Telegram client can now identify the coding language used in conversations and display the syntax correctly, highlighting it.
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