Apple Vision Pro Now Available in Two More Countries

Today, Apple Vision Pro made its retail debut and started shipping to consumers in South Korea and the United Arab Emirates. Additionally, consumers can now book a free 30-minute appointment at Apple Store locations in both nations to test out the headset.

For individuals who are not familiar with the headset, Apple offers localized Vision Pro pages in South Korea and the United Arab Emirates that provide additional information.

The Vision Pro, which retails for $3,499, was originally made available by Apple in the United States in February. Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, China, Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore all saw the headset’s June and July launches. South Korea and the United Arab Emirates have joined the list of nations and areas where the headset is currently accessible.

According to a July forecast by research firm IDC, sales of Vision Pro would fall short of 500,000 units this year. Due to its exorbitant cost, Apple CEO Tim Cook recently admitted in an interview that the Vision Pro is not a mass-market product.

“At $3,500, it’s not a mass-market product,” said Cook. “Right now, it’s an early-adopter product. People who want to have tomorrow’s technology today—that’s who it’s for. Fortunately, there’s enough people who are in that camp that it’s exciting.”

Categories: Technology
Priyanka Patil:


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