AWS plans to build an infrastructure hub in Mexico

Customers will have a greater choice for hosting their apps and serving end users from data centers in Mexico thanks to the new AWS Mexico (central) region, which guarantees that those who wish to store their content in Mexico can do so.

This news is part of AWS’ long-term commitment to Latin America, where he plans to invest more than $5 billion over the next 15 years.

As part of our continued commitment to contributing to the development of digital capabilities, AWS will hire and develop additional local staff to operate and support a new AWS Region in Mexico.

“Cloud services are an essential part of everyday life, helping us to digitally and economically transform Mexico,” said Raquel Buenrostro, Mexico’s Minister of Economy.

At debut, the new AWS region will have three availability zones, bringing the total number of AWS availability zones to 105 globally.

AWS aims to create five more AWS Regions in Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Thailand, and the AWS European Sovereign Cloud, in addition to the recently announced region, which will make up 15 more availability zones.

AWS regions are made up of availability zones that locate infrastructure in discrete, geographically different areas.

Availability zones are spaced sufficiently apart to ensure the uninterrupted operation of customers businesses, yet close enough to offer minimal latency for high-availability applications utilizing several availability zones.

Each availability zone is connected by redundant, ultra-low-latency networks and has its own power, cooling, and physical security systems.

Customers of AWS that have high availability requirements may enhance fault tolerance by designing their applications to run in various availability zones.

Vice President of Infrastructure Services at AWS Prasad Kalyanaraman stated, “AWS is excited to see thousands of customers in nearly every industry across Mexico innovate and grow.”

“Our investment in Mexico reflects AWS’s long-term commitment to customers so they can take advantage of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning. We look forward to helping customers in Mexico meet data residency preferences and deliver cloud-based applications with low latency, accelerating the country’s digital transformation, and fuelling economic growth.”

Categories: Business
Priyanka Patil:


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