‘Build a Multiview’ is now available on YouTube TV, allowing you to choose which four games to watch at once

YouTube TV viewers may now watch many games at once on the same display thanks to a feature called “Build a Multiview.” Additionally, it appears that the service will soon permit viewing a bespoke selection of games.

Multiview was initially seen on YouTube TV during March Madness of last year. By using a few preset choices, viewers can stream up to four games simultaneously with this capability. Later, YouTube TV added more features to the service by enabling non-sports material and, more recently, other games, such as NFL Sunday Ticket. The service was extended once more in October to accommodate NBA League Pass games.

However, beyond the options YouTube provided, there was no way to select which games or channels to include in a Multiview stream through those expansions.

However, that finally looks to be changing. Recently, a Reddit member who watches YouTube TV noted a new feature called “Built a Multiview” that seems to be available in limited quantities. YouTube TV gave users the choice to stream three additional games out of the ones that were available at the time. One user noticed in a second test that they could choose from any game that was on, not only NBA games.

From what was previously available, this is a significant expansion. This new “Build” option seems to be speedier and more flexible than YouTube TV’s previous method of just listing potential Multiview combinations.

Therefore, it’s highly unclear if YouTube intends to make this publicly available given the extremely scant reports of this. Nevertheless, in an interview with CordCuttersNews, Google purportedly confirmed that this feature is in testing; nevertheless, the expected availability date is unknown.

Categories: Technology
Priyanka Patil:


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