FDA supports first generic naloxone nasal spray to treat opioid overdose



The life-sparing medication that can stop or invert the impacts of an opioid overdose may counteract a huge number of passings.

Generic drugmaker Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd on Friday received endorsement from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to showcase its generic nasal spray for opioid overdose, the health regulator said.

This is the first endorsement of a generic naloxone nasal spray for use in a community setting by individuals without medical training, the FDA said in an announcement.

Right around 400,000 individuals passed on from an opioid overdose from 1999 to 2017, the regulator stated, refering to information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The FDA had tentatively affirmed Teva’s generic naloxone nasal spray in June a year ago.

Freida DhanialFreida Dhanial
Categories: Health
Freida Dhanial: Freida Dhanial is an American science fiction and fantasy writer.She is noted for her dense, allusion-rich prose as well as the strong influence. She is a prolific short story writer as well as news article author. She is writing news related to the day to day topics. Now she is working as a free lance author on infusenews.com.