First Final Fantasy 14 player to earn all 2,000+ achievements

More than 10 years after Final Fantasy 14’s release, a player has become the first to complete all 2,751 Achievements.

According to Games Radar, PrismaticParrot’s Reddit post revealed a Japanese user on the Garuda server is currently the only person playing Final Fantasy 14 who has every single Achievement unlocked. Data acquired from the achievement tracking website Lalachievements was displayed in the post, confirming the accomplishment.

The massively multiplayer online role-playing game’s Achievement list is well-known, and not only because it’s nearly ten years old and gets major expansions released frequently; some of the Achievements require hundreds of hours of playtime.

In addition to the laborious tasks of five ultimate raids, countless dungeons and hunts, engaging in PvP with various classes, and more, players must complete the ever-expanding story, complete all side quests, and acquire every collectible in order to unlock them all.

The dedicated player won’t be able to unwind for long, though, as the Dawntrail expansion for Final Fantasy 14 is scheduled to release in the summer of 2024. The upgrade will include a vast amount of new story content in addition to a significant graphical overhaul.

According to report, “Final Fantasy 14’s Endwalker expansion brings its longest story arc to a satisfying close and cements its place as one of the best Final Fantasy stories ever told.”

Categories: Technology
Priyanka Patil:


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