Google Doodle Celebrates Uganda Independence Day

Pearls are the natural world’s just gemstone framed in a living creature. Out of the 54 nations on the continent of Africa, there is just a single natural gem known as the “Pearl of Africa”—Uganda.

The East African country became a self-governing country on this day in 1962, a anniversary celebrating its Independence Day and the adoption of its national flag, which is portrayed in the present Doodle.

Home to more than 45 million individuals, Uganda is a country that has enjoyed huge advancement since independence, and countrywide festivals honor this advancement. In past years, there has been a national parade at the Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. Local communities have their own celebrations with traditional dance and food like matoke—steamed, crushed bananas with a peanut sauce, beans, fish, or beef.

Alongside being an opportunity to ponder very nearly 60 years of independence, today is additionally a opportunity for Ugandans to look toward the future of their nation—a forward movement represented by the raised leg of the grey-crowned crane found on the focal point of the Ugandan flag.

Happy Independence Day, Uganda!

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Priyanka Patil:


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