Google is adds its printing options for Photos, including more flexibility for ordering prints to your home

Google is extending its printing choices options Photos, including greater adaptability for ordering prints to your home. As of not long ago, the best way to get prints of your pictures straightforwardly from Google was to utilize the AI-driven premium print service, which can automatically choose 10 of your best pictures every month and send them to you.

Else, you’d need to get them from a CVS, Walgreens or Walmart. Presently, however, you can arrange and get however many prints as you need at your casa.

Also, there are more size options for Google Photos prints and canvases. Alongside the past 4×6-inch, 5×7 and 8×10 formats, Google would now be able to print and send your photographs in 11×14, 12×18, 16×20 and 20×30.

It will add more canvas sizes in the following not many weeks too. You’ll have the option to order canvases in 8×10, 16×16, 20×30, 24×36, 30×40 and 36×36.

Categories: Technology
Priyanka Patil: