Healthy Recommendations for Daylight Saving Time in 2024 to Protect Your Health

The transition to daylight saving time in 2024 is rapidly coming, and it may have a big effect on our health. Our circadian clock is phase-shifted as a result of the alteration, which raises the risk of heart attacks, strokes, auto accidents, medical mistakes, and hospital admissions. Experts advise receiving more sunlight when you wake up in the morning and going to bed earlier in the days before the shift to assist ease the transition.

On March 10, 2024, the clocks advance by one hour to mark the beginning of daylight saving time. On November 3, 2024, the clocks fall back by one hour. Most Americans participate in this yearly custom, which spans eight months from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November. Although the method was put into place to preserve energy during World War I, its real impact has been negligible.

The Virgin Islands, the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, Hawaii, most of Arizona, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the States do not observe daylight saving time. The necessity of changing the clocks twice a year would disappear if daylight saving time were made permanent. For health reasons, several experts contend that permanent standard time would be better than perpetual daylight saving time. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine is in favor of a national standard time that is in effect all year round in order to enhance public safety and health by better matching human circadian rhythms.

Experts advise modifying your routine to lessen daylight saving time’s detrimental effects on your health. A few days prior to the time change, putting yourself to bed 15 minutes earlier, setting your alarm for 30 minutes earlier, and modifying your children’s schedules can all be helpful. Gradually change the time on a wristwatch to trick your brain. Avoid naps the day after the time change, get lots of sunshine, reset your schedule, pay attention to your food, refrain from exercising late at night, and spend less time on screens just before bed.

All things considered, daylight saving time may have a big effect on our health and happiness. We may lessen the detrimental impacts on our health and facilitate the transition by being aware of the consequences of the time change and making little adjustments to our daily routines. In order to enhance public health and safety and better synchronize with biological clocks, experts advise implementing a set, year-round time.

Categories: Health
Komal Patil:


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