Instagram currently allows you delete an image from a carousel


Instagram has enabled users to mix up to ten images and videos in a single post since 2017, but it is only now, four years later, that the company has added the ability to delete a single image or clip from a carousel. In one of his recent weekly video updates, Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri explained how the new function works.

By tapping the three dots icon first, then the edit button, you can erase a photo or video from a carousel. Swipe over to the image or clip you’d like to delete, and then hit the delete icon. The feature is now only available on iOS, according to Mosseri, but it will be coming to Android soon. He also admitted that it was something Instagram should have done a long time ago.

If you live in the United States, you can also take use of another new function. “Rage Shake” is the name of the song, and that’s exactly what it sounds like. If anything isn’t working properly while using Instagram, shake your phone. The app’s bug report interface will appear as a result of this action.

You can then inform the company about the situation. It will, according to Mosseri, assist Instagram in prioritising the precise bugs that need to be addressed. Currently, Rage Shake is only accessible in the United States.

Both innovations aren’t going to transform the way you use Instagram, but they should be welcomed nonetheless. Now all the corporation needs to do is build an iPad app.

Categories: Technology
Priyanka Patil:


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