Microsoft will produce augmented reality headsets for the US army

Microsoft has declared an agreement with the U.S. army worth nearly $22 billion to create augmented reality headsets.

Augmented reality, or AR, is a technology that utilizations glasses to project computer-made pictures and data that add to what clients find in the real, physical world.

The deal was declared Wednesday. Microsoft would supply at least 120,000 soldiers with the gadgets.

Military authorities said the technology will improve warriors’ ability to see their surroundings and distinguish targets and threat. The technology depends on Microsoft’s HoloLens headsets, which were first intended for video games.

The Army said the headsets could be utilized for both training and in fight. The military said the AR system could help troops acquire an advantage during fight. Officers initially tested the gadgets a year ago.

The agreement is worth up to $21.88 billion for as long as 10 years, Microsoft said. The agreement goes for five years and could be reached out for an extra five.

Microsoft President Brad Smith talked about the technology to the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee in February. He said warriors could utilize the system to see around night time and for facial recognition on the combat zone. He likewise depicted how it could help in hostage situations by making an electronic representation of a building, what he called a “digital twin.”

A few technology organizations have looked to utilize augmented reality for video games. Those efforts have generally been unsuccessful. Yet, Microsoft’s Hololens 2 will be utilized by the Army. The organization additionally wants the gadgets to be utilized to help doctors during medical operations, factory crews and others. Clients can often control what they see on the gadget by utilizing hand developments or voice commands.

The headset deal is essential for Microsoft’s work as a defense contractor. The military additionally awarded Microsoft a $10 billion cloud computing contract in September.

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Raeesa Sayyad:


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