NRVT Opens 2021 with Lifestyle and Arts Digital Song ‘Midnight Riviera’ to a Worldwide Community of Music Lovers and Dancers.

London, UK, January 7, 2021,  ZEXPRWIRE – NRVT releases new song ‘Midnight Riviera’ to a worldwide community of song lovers and dancers. 

NRVT continues to build his musical repertoire, taking one song at a time, and looking to supersede each song with a new one.   He explains the inspiration for each new song has nothing to do with superseding the previous one.  Each new song floats into existence like a bubble in the universe.  The conception that went into its formation drawn from inspiration.

Another way of songwriting to NRVT is likened unto trowel trades.  Each brick gets buttered up and placed along the route of the build.  The brick is the song, and gets placed among the others.   That new brick is ‘Midnight Riviera.’  After laying ten bricks we can conclude NRVT’s project is still in infancy yet on track with work in progress.

NRVT will continue to build and release new songs like bricks.  English bond, Reggae bond, Rap bond, Hip Hop bond, Dance bond, Pop bond, Rhythm and Blues bond, is what inspired NRVT to write ‘Midnight Riviera.’  Whether at home, in your car, or on your headset, this song is going out to a worldwide community of music lovers and dancers.

Check out Midnight Riviera as you stroll along the riviera, pier, promenade, docks, or marina.  Tel Aviv promenade is a great place to start and before you know it you’re in Jaffa.  St Katharine Docks Marina near the City of London, the pier at Hastings, 7 mile beach Jamaica, Miami, or Monaco.  ‘Midnight Riviera’ calls out to the fashion conscious of today, the scientists of tomorrow, the lovers, and those who just want to dance and wave their hands in the air.

‘Midnight Riviera’ is music and entertainment, a song for lifestyle and the arts, you can listen and dance to wherever you choose to, out now.

Journalism: Icsael Basemath
Links: https://push.fm/fl/ip74hzgv
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nrvt53/

Media Contact:
Baggy Music Entertainment

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Abigail Boyd: Abigail Boyd is not only housewife but also famous author. At age 12, her mother taught her to read and she immediately started writing stories. After that she starts to write short stories. She writes various kinds of short stories. She got married at the age of 21. Now she is writing news articles related to ongoing things in the world. She is on board with Infuse News as a free lance author.


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