Olympic Swimmer Dara Torres Shares Her Healthy Aging Tips at 50+

Dara Torres dominated the Olympic pool at the height of her swimming career.

Torres represented the United States in five Olympic Games from 1988 to 2008, winning 12 Olympic medals, tying her with Jenny Thompson and Natalie Coughlin for the most medals by a female swimmer of all time.

When it comes to physical fitness, the Olympic legend, now 57, certainly knows a lot about it. Torres partnered with BOOST to highlight the importance of fitness and protein intake for adults over 50.

Torres, 57, and BOOST launched BOOST Camps in May to help adults who are nervous about returning to the gym or resuming a fitness program get into a fitness program from the comfort of their own home.

“I partnered with BOOST because we realized that as you get older than 50, a lot of adults get very intimidated to go to gyms — whether it’s because of the equipment and they don’t know what to do or there are these young, hot bodies there, and you get intimidated to go or even classes,” she told Fox News Digital in a recent interview.

“I love taking classes because I’ve been coached my whole life, so I like someone telling me what to do. But, some people just aren’t like that, and so, because exercise is so important to try to get lean muscle mass and maintain lean muscle mass, we came up with a concept of doing these exercises, videos, so adults can do these in the comfort of their own home.

“It’s all about just feeling comfortable but making sure you get your workout in to keep the lean muscle mass.”

Torres said sticking to a workout plan and getting the protein you need every day are two key components of a healthy lifestyle.

“There’s a couple of factors. Obviously, working out is very important. You want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. But also incorporating protein into your diet,” Torres said, adding that BOOST’s protein shakes are good for hitting protein goals even while on the go.

Categories: Health
Priyanka Patil:


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