Silence In London, the COVID-19 pandemic in London

London, UK Oct 1, 2020, ZEXPRWIRE, Some songs have an immense amount of depth. A presentation that is anthemic, like literature. A story with many chapters, or a chapter of one big story. The current one the world is facing with the current Coronavirus/COVID19 pandemic is one that is not only powerful, but all too real as well. And that’s where Matulla‘s “Silence In London” comes in, how it has affected us, and the awareness of the impact the virus has had on thousands of people worldwide.

Comprised from the heart and mind of German indie artist/author Matulla, acclaimed for his work on “Lost On The Way”, the setting for this Rock anthem features UK-based Midnight Prophecy lead singer Craig, a high-ranged vocalist with a charismatic presence and a knack for his attention to detail and precision in powerful vocal melodies and insatiable performance skills both on stage and in the studio. 2020 has been a year of challenges, trials and tribulations alike. But the Coronavirus/COVID19 in particular has been sweeping the world at large in big numbers causing travel bans, quarantines, job loss, illness, and worst of all, death. This revolutionary track not only shines a bright light on the awareness of the pandemic, but the many levels of how it has affected our world at large through the melody of a powerful Rock song.
Recorded, written, produced and performed solely by Matulla with Craig filling in the vocal duties, this song grabs you from the second it starts. The high-gain guitar riffs are very effective and conjure an intelligently crafted lead-in into high ranged story-telling vocals and lyrics that compliment the song’s overall aura. This song rocks, rolls, and tells a powerful story told in real time; making “Silence In London” a loud message for the masses about a story that is all too real. In a time of urgency, uncertainty and dark hours and days, it’s powerful songs like this that really get us to reflect on our own lives and the others around us as well. This track really puts the focus on the victims of the pandemic and awareness factor, giving the listener a perspective that not only resonates with them, but also entices them to reflect as well, reminding us that we should never take our lives for granted, and that the story you’re hearing is one that you are part of. This song is dedicated to anyone and everyone that is directly or indirectly affected by COVID19.

Connect with Matulla and Craig:

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Abigail Boyd: Abigail Boyd is not only housewife but also famous author. At age 12, her mother taught her to read and she immediately started writing stories. After that she starts to write short stories. She writes various kinds of short stories. She got married at the age of 21. Now she is writing news articles related to ongoing things in the world. She is on board with Infuse News as a free lance author.


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