According to a recent study, persons who want to avoid high blood pressure later in life should exercise while they are young adults. The study, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, monitored over 5,000 patients over a 30-year period. They discovered that persons who lowered their exercise levels significantly between the ages of 18 and 40 had higher blood pressure.
According to the study, people should exercise for at least 5 hours each week at a moderate level. This is nearly twice the current recommendation.
According to study author and epidemiologist Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), “teenagers and those in their early 20s may be physically active, but these patterns change with age.”
The researchers recognize that due to life changes and increased responsibilities, it may be difficult for everyone to engage in at least 5 hours of moderate-intensity exercise per week.
Lead author Jason Nagata, a UCSF expert in young adult medicine, stated, “Nearly half of our participants in young adulthood had suboptimal levels of physical activity, which was significantly associated with the onset of hypertension, indicating that we need to raise the minimum standard for physical activity.”
The authors of the report stated, “Achieving at least twice the current minimum adult [physical activity] guidelines may be more beneficial for the prevention of hypertension than simply meeting the minimum guidelines.”
Physical activity can help lower high blood pressure.
Improves Heart Efficiency
Regular physical exercise helps to strengthen the heart muscle, which allows it to pump blood more efficiently and with less effort. A powerful heart exerts less force on the arteries, lowering blood pressure.
Reduces Stiffness of blood vessels
Exercise helps blood vessels keep their suppleness. Regular movement keeps the arteries flexible, allowing them to expand with blood flow. This eventually leads to reduced blood pressure levels.
Helps with Weight Loss
Physical activity can help you burn calories and lose body fat. Maintaining a healthy weight reduces the load on the heart and arteries, lowering blood pressure levels.
Lowers Stress
Physical activity helps to release endorphins, the body’s natural stress relievers. Reducing stress can help reduce the production of stress chemicals such as cortisol, which may raise your blood pressure.
Improves Insulin Sensitivity
Exercise increases the body’s ability to use insulin more efficiently. Improved insulin sensitivity helps to control blood sugar levels, lowering the risk of high blood pressure.
Reduces Inflammation
Regular physical activity helps lessen inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is a leading cause of arterial stiffness, which raises your blood pressure. As a result, lowering inflammation helps to maintain healthy blood pressure levels.
Balances Hormones
Physical activity can help to control hormones that affect your blood pressure. Regular exercise can balance hormones like renin, angiotensin, and aldosterone, which assist manage blood volume and thus lower blood pressure.
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