
A Guide to Cancer Prevention with a Balanced Eating

The Spanish Association Against Cancer's summer cancer prevention guide, developed in partnership with nutritionists Futurlife21, aims to promote healthy practices…

Recent Findings: Eating Less Fat Lowers the Chance of This Unexpected Cancer

The 1980s and 1990s saw the height of the popularity of low-fat diets, but more recent studies have shown that…

Sunflower Seeds Have Eight Health Benefits

1. Skin Conditions:Sunflower seeds help heal wounds, prevent infections, and give skin a radiant appearance. 2. Controlling Your Weight:Sunflower seeds,…

7 Daily Foods High in Quercetin

These days, people want to eat healthily and feel their best. They are also highly health conscious. Eating a balanced…

Top 7 Anti-Cancer Foods You Should Include in Your Diet

You can lower your risk of developing cancer and improve your general health by include foods that combat the disease…

Sugary Sodas, Juices Attached To Higher Cancer Hazard

It's for quite some time been realized that sugary drinks help individuals pack on undesirable pounds. In any case, new…

Old cancer survivors face danger of cerebrum metastasis, says study

Old survivors of breast cancer, lung cancer, and melanoma face the danger of cerebrum metastasis later in life, guarantee specialists.…



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