FDA FDA approves new treatment for difficult-to-treat metastatic melanoma 1 year ago A new treatment for metastatic melanoma, a rare but fatal type of skin cancer, was authorized by the US Food… FDA approves the Pfizer RSV vaccination for older people 2 years ago Pfizer's vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus, a common disease that injures and kills thousands of seniors annually, was approved by… FDA approves Alzheimer’s medication that delayed cognitive decline in clinical trials 2 years ago Lecanemab, a treatment for Alzheimer's disease, received an expedited approval from the Food and Drug Administration on Friday. This is… FDA approves hair-growth medicine that can be used to treat alopecia and Covid 3 years ago On Monday, the Food and Medicine Administration approved a drug to treat severe alopecia, a condition that affects more than… According to the FDA, strawberries are most likely to blame for the hepatitis A outbreak 3 years ago According to federal food officials, packages of FreshKampo and HEB brand strawberries are likely linked to more than a dozen… FDA has said that it will make it simpler to import some baby formulas to ease shortage 3 years ago As part of its efforts to ease a statewide shortage, the US Food and Drug Administration announced Monday that it… Remdesivir has been approved by the FDA to treat young children with Covid-19 3 years ago The US Food and Medication Administration stated on Monday that the Covid-19 drug remdesivir has been approved to treat patients… FDA approves a new monoclonal antibody for Covid-19 that works against the Omicron variant 3 years ago The US Food and Drug Administration has approved a new monoclonal antibody treatment for Covid-19 that appears to act against… The FDA has approved eye drops to treat hazy vision caused by age 3 years ago Vuity, an eye drop intended to treat presbyopia, or age-related hazy near vision, was approved by the US Food and… Poisonous hand sanitizer: FDA cautions buyers to stay away from 9 hand sanitizer brands 5 years ago Methanol close by sanitizers is a wellbeing danger, the FDA says. Ensure the items you purchase don't have it. The… Next»