Knives Out

The Netflix sequel to “Knives Out” will be shown in theatres for a full week, setting a record

The Netflix sequel to “Knives Out” will be shown in theatres for a full week, setting a recordThe Netflix sequel to “Knives Out” will be shown in theatres for a full week, setting a record

With a week's worth of movies, Netflix is going to the theatre. A month before it streams on Netflix, the…

Netflix pays an announced $450 million for two Rian Johnson’s whodunit ‘Knives Out’ sequels

Netflix pays an announced $450 million for two Rian Johnson’s whodunit ‘Knives Out’ sequelsNetflix pays an announced $450 million for two Rian Johnson’s whodunit ‘Knives Out’ sequels

Rian Johnson's whodunit Knives Out will have a sequel, indeed it's getting two. Variety and Deadline report that Netflix has…