Telegram includes a screen sharing feature to group video calls

Telegram stays a strong option in contrast to WhatsApp. All the more recently, it acquired video calling smarts to help support its fame during the pandemic. Presently, it’s gunning for video conferencing tools with a new group video calling and screen sharing feature.

Clients would now be able to change over group voice calls into group video calls by tapping the camera icon on the call screen. Voice calls can still host “unlimited” participants, yet just 30 clients in a group can partake with video. Telegram takes note of this limit will “increase soon.”

Group administrators can likewise pin a user’s video feed, successfully making it the first screen new clients see when joining the video chat. This is accessible on mobile and desktop, as well, and ought to be valuable for teachers hosting online classes. Clients can likewise tap on any of the clients’ video screens to make it fullscreen on their gadget.

Syncing with these upgrades is the ability to share screens. Clients can tap the three-dot menu button and select Share Screen from the menu to enable the feature from their tablet or cell phone. Outstandingly, on desktop, the latest client who shares their screen will be pinned automatically. It should settle on Telegram’s video call experience feel like any semblance of Zoom and Google Meet.

The new update is accessible across Telegram’s mobile, desktop, and tablet applications and interfaces.

Categories: Technology
Raeesa Sayyad:


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