Top Summertime Health Risks and Ways To Avoid Them

Muscle cramps, decreased sweating, disorientation, weakness, and excessive perspiration are some of the symptoms of heat exhaustion, the first stage of heat-related disease. Sweating may drastically decrease and weakness may be noticed if these symptoms get worse. When faced with such circumstances, stay hydrated and sip on water or any other beverage to counterbalance the salt content. It is crucial that you take precautions against the heat, keep your body cool, and refrain from exercising of any type during this period.

The subsequent stage, known as heat stroke, is a serious medical emergency marked by a sharp rise in body temperature. Over 104 degrees Fahrenheit causes the skin to get dry, the heartbeat to increase, the blood pressure to drop, and the person to become confused, sleepy, or convulsive. Prompt medical attention is required to avoid problems.

As soon as a person shows symptoms of heat stroke, you should recognize him and have him treated at a hospital. If you are unable to get the individual into a hospital right away, keep dousing him in cold water, keep covering him with water, and take him there as soon as you can. There, in a hospital setting, the doctors can administer fluids to him along with numerous other interventions.

Certain people are more susceptible to heat-related ailments than others, especially those who are not used to hot temperatures. As a result, it’s critical to wear light, breathable clothing, gradually acclimate to warmer temperatures, and refrain from engaging in excessive exercise in intense heat.

Moreover, drugs like beta blockers, diuretics, and antihistamines can make people more susceptible to illnesses brought on by the heat. Those who use these drugs ought to exercise further caution and seek advice from their healthcare professional.

It’s also critical to maintain food and water hygiene to avoid foodborne diseases, which can worsen health problems associated to heat.

In conclusion, reducing the risks brought on by summertime high temperatures can be achieved by being watchful and exercising the appropriate caution. People may keep safe and healthy in hot weather by drinking plenty of water, avoiding prolonged heat exposure, and being aware of the symptoms of heat-related disorders.

Categories: Health
Komal Patil: