Toronto Raptors sign Sam Dekker to free agent contract

The Toronto Raptors are adding more front court profundity to their 2021-22 roster by signing forward Sam Dekker as a free agent.

No terms have been accounted for right now.

Dekker, who spent the previous two seasons playing genius ball in Turkey and Russia, was drafted eighteenth generally speaking by the Houston Rockets in 2015. A back injury cost him his tenderfoot season yet he played well in his sophomore year, averaging 6.5 points and 3.7 boards shortly per game. He was thusly sent to the Clippers, then, at that point the Cavs, lastly the Wizards, however never set up greater numbers than he did in 2016-17.

In Europe, Dekker expanded his shooting range, terminating 4.5 three-pointers per game at a 45% clasp during 28 games with Turk Telecom last season. Regardless of whether that shooting can move to the NBA game is a significant question mark, and will probably be a major factor in deciding his playing time.

Concerning his fit with the Raptors, indeed, Dekker is a 6’9″ 229 lbs. forward, so he’ll space in the very same situation as each other forward on the roster, basically. (Indeed, that is a trace of negativity you’re identifying there!)

The Raptors frantically need playmakers/shot creators, and a middle, and Dekker is neither of those things. So I don’t actually think this one actions the needle in any huge manner.

One expectations this is a greater amount of a finish of-bench, roster-filler move, and that Masai Ujiri and Bobby Webster have more to come; on that note, ideally they will hear more as the Raptors and Miami Heat iron out the subtleties of the Kyle Lowry sign-and-trade.

Update 12:25 p.m.: Per The Athletic’s Blake Murphy, Dekker’s “signing” is in reality a camp welcome and a partial guarantee.

So that is an affirmation of our supposition over that this is to a greater degree a roster filler move rather than anything. It doesn’t damage to invite a guy who had a decent year abroad to camp and check whether that great year can make an interpretation of back to the NBA!

In the event that Dekker truly can shoot it, and can protect up to Nick Nurse’s standards, then, at that point he’ll make the group and perhaps get a few minutes. If not, the Raptors pay him a small amount and they head out in a different direction.

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Priyanka Patil: