Walgreens releases tool to track COVID-19 cases as omicron levels rise

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During the current statewide outbreak of coronavirus illnesses, Walgreens released a tool to track the spread of coronavirus variants in real time.

The Walgreens COVID-19 Index, which uses Aegis Sciences Corporation testing data, can track the spread of the omicron variant in 24 to 48 hours, according to the company.

Based on a review of positive tests at thousands of Walgreens testing locations around the country, the index provides a snapshot of data for the previous seven days. According to the retail pharmacy, the index will be updated on a regular basis.

The fact that “more than 95% of all positive cases are presumed to be the omicron variant,” according to Walgreens, emphasises the need of vaccines and testing.

The announcement comes just days after the Biden administration developed a website where Americans may request free COVID-19 tests at home to help stop the virus from spreading.

Americans can order four at-home tests per residential address through COVIDTests.gov. President Biden’s newest move to address criticism of low inventory and long lines for testing during the recent statewide rise in cases caused by the omicron variant is the offering of tests, which are distributed via the US Postal Service.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the omicron form now accounts for more than 99 percent of new COVID-19 cases in the United States (CDC).

“data regarding spread of variants is important to our understanding of viral transmission and, as new variants emerge,” said Dr. Matthew Hardison, senior vice president of lab operations at Aegis Sciences Corporation.

“it will be critical to continue to track this information quickly to predict which communities are most at risk,” Hardison said.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the omicron form now accounts for more than 99 percent of new COVID-19 cases in the United States (CDC).

“data regarding spread of variants is important to our understanding of viral transmission and, as new variants emerge,” said Dr. Matthew Hardison, senior vice president of lab operations at Aegis Sciences Corporation.

“It will be critical to continue to track this information quickly to predict which communities are most at risk,” Hardison said.

Categories: Technology
Priyanka Patil:


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