We’ve all been waiting for Gmail’s upcoming inbox upgrade

We’ve all experienced it: a website quietly presses you into signing up for updates, or an attractive deal appears in return for your email address. Before you know it, thousands of unread messages build up in your inbox because you failed to unsubscribe. An planned feature in Gmail attempts to give users more control over this frequent issue.

A new “Manage Subscriptions” function for the Gmail inbox appears to be in the works from Google. Its purpose is to separate and arrange the flood of newsletters and promotional emails that frequently add to inbox chaos.

A recent Gmail app update shows how the features would probably work, as first reported by PiunikaWeb. Gmail’s sidebar will have a Manage Subscriptions button that will intelligently classify emails you get frequently based on your email patterns.

The subscriptions would be grouped according to who sends you fewer than ten emails per quarter, between ten and twenty, or more than twenty, based on the strings indicated in the code. It should be easy to identify any spammers or subscriptions you may have forgotten about thanks to this category.

What’s more, the filter will combine all of your active email subscriptions into one convenient location. Furthermore, a straight unsubscribe button including the sender’s name and logo will be accessible, enabling you to quickly decline undesired subscriptions.

There have been other indications of the feature’s imminent release, even though it is still in development. Reddit users have mentioned that they noticed an announcement about the Manage Subscriptions option showing up. When you click the “Try it now” button, though, an endless loading screen appears.

Gmail has included a handy unsubscribe button to its mobile apps, which is a step in the right direction towards improved subscription management. Building on that, the new subscription management function promises an even more efficient approach to clear up your inbox and possibly even achieve the goal of Inbox Zero.

Categories: Technology
Pratik Patil:


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