What is ADHD? What are the healthiest foods for ADHD kids?

What exactly is ADHD?

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a mental health problem that causes excessive impulsivity and hyperactivity. People with ADHD may also have difficulty concentrating on a single task or staying still for long periods of time.

Many people endure inattention and energy fluctuations. This occurs more frequently and to a greater extent in people with ADHD than in people without the disorder. It has the potential to have a substantial impact on their schooling, employment, and personal lives.

The below are seven food rules to follow:

1. Avoid consuming the wrong foods-

Avoid sugary drinks, food colouring, caffeine, processed foods, fried foods, and foods high in trans fat and artificial food colours, all of which have been associated to the illness.

Foods high in omega 3 fatty acids, such as tuna and salmon, as well as vitamin-rich produce, are recommended. Iron, vitamin 12B, vitamin A, thiamine, iodine, and zinc should all be present in your diet. Meat, legumes, whole grains, wheat germ, nuts, and cereals are all good sources of zinc. Zinc has an effect on the metabolism of dopamine, a neurotransmitter linked to ADHD.

2. A regular schedule

Two to four hours between meals is a good rule of thumb. Avoid eating in between meals if at all possible.

Because children with ADHD have a tendency to wander around a lot during meals, they may not complete them once they sit down. You may help them by providing guidelines.

3. Be especially careful about breakfast

Ritalin, a common ADHD medicine, is frequently given in the morning, and it takes time for it to start working, so breakfast is more likely to be eaten cheerfully than a 10 a.m. snack, or even lunch.

Breakfast is essential, and it should include both protein and complex carbohydrates. A well-balanced breakfast will help you operate better throughout the day and lower your risk of behavioural and learning issues.

A nutritious breakfast, such as a spelt bread sandwich with eggs and vegetables, a fruit smoothie with yoghurt and flax seeds, or oatmeal with banana, is recommended.

4. Dietary essential fatty acids-

DHA is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, and it aids in focus and memory. EPA allows for optimal cell function, and ALA is an important component of motor and cognitive development, as well as omega 6, which adds to brain activity.

5. Prepare your meals ahead of time-

Children with ADHD frequently become extremely hungry in the afternoon or at night, and consume larger meals as a result.

Hard-boiled eggs, cooked pancakes, or other things that can be kept in the fridge are some ideas. Once the dam is opened, the kids will be able to make informed decisions and eat nutritious foods. Some children will be hungry, while others may be restless as they stroll around the house. A ready-to-eat meal will make things much easier for you and them at this time.

6. Weighing yourself once or once a week is a good idea-

It’s important to ensure that children get the calories they require for healthy development and growth, but these calories must come from meals with good nutritional content. Vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants must be present in these foods, which are primarily found in vegetables, fruits, and raw and unprocessed foods.

7. Meditation for mindfulness-

This mental exercise has been proven to help people improve their concentration, attention, and self-control. The exercise is focusing your attention just on one visual item, such as an apple or a circle drawn on the wall, for two to three minutes. This will aid in the development of children’s concentration abilities and their application in real-life situations.

Children with ADHD will be better able to manage with their symptoms if they eat well. The starting point is to eat a varied and natural diet (no processed foods) and stick to a meal routine. Kids require a framework for activities at home, including meals, just as they do for learning in kindergarten or school.

Categories: Health
Priyanka Patil: